Понякога много се страхуваме да вземем решения. Обмисляме с дни наред… Е, за мен това е най-хубавото решение което някога съм взимала, да се включа и аз в групата на Еразъм +. Не мога да кажа че е било от трудните ми решения, но със сигурност мога да кажа че е било от най-хубавите. Не...Read More
Ние сме Валентин (1 курс), Марио (2 курс) , Цвети (1 курс) , Петя (2 курс) и Яна (3 курс), студенти от Югозападен университет “Неофит Рилски”. Макар и да не се познавахме преди проекта, успяхме да се сприятелим и се наслаждавахме на всеки момент прекаран заедно. Наскоро (през май 2023) имахме удоволствието да участваме в...Read More
✨Prof. Cherneva ✨and 👏Dr. Tsvetanov,👏 alongside 20 🤝other participants from 10 different countries 🧳, followed workshops 🖥️and seminars on internationalization, 🗣️💭new teaching methods,👨💻 job shadowing sessions🧑💼 and networking. 🧠 ✨Our colleagues will transfer the new knowledge and skills at SWU 👏and will help us grow our Erasmus+ partner network,🇪🇺 which consists of more than 170...Read More
👏They were welcomed by Prof. Petar Veselinovich, dean, and by Prof. Dejana Zlatanovic – research supervisor. 👏 👏Thanks to Erasmus+ 🇪🇺and our partners, 🇷🇸the students 👨🎓will work under joint supervision on their dissertation theses. 👨💻📝 👏Thank you,Read More
Our students followed evidence-based lectures on Critical Thinking, 🧠 Translation Technologies and Pragmatics of Semantic Enthropy in Literature. 📚 More than 50 students benefitted from the international learning. 👩🎓 Our Prof. Kostadinova, Head of the Germanic and Romance Studies Dept., had a fruitful discussion about mutually beneficial projects. 🗣️ As part of the cultural programme,...Read More
On 29th April SWU, and in particular, our Faculty of Philology, welcomed 5 students from the University of Tirana. Albania. The exchange is in the field of Languages and Linguistics. The mobilities are funded by project 2020-1-BG01-KA107-078948. A big “Welcome and Good Luck” to Elisona, Emena, Eno, Gentian and Mikel! Read More
On 12th April 2021 SWU signed an Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement with the International Balkan University, Republic of North Macedonia. Our students and staff who study or teach in the fields of Economics, Management, Finance, Political Sciences, Journalism and Law can benefit from this partnership. Reciprocally, SWU will host students and staff from the same subject...Read More
Over thirty students and professors from KTO Karatay University attended the lectures delivered (22nd March – 26th March 2021) by our Dr. Mariya Stankova and Dr. Lyubov Ivanova, from the Faculty of Economics at SWU Our lecturers discussed problems on Contemporary Issues of Sustainable Development and Organization Management and Business Communication. They also impressed...Read More