Welcome to South-West University's Erasmus+ Portal!

SWU’s Erasmus Policy Statement

The Erasmus+ program has been part of SWU’s educational portfolio since 2001. The program is a clinical part of the university’s internationalization strategy and a mechanism for the implementation of our vision for international cooperation. Erasmus serves as a conduit and a channel and introduces European values ​​and good practices among the academic and student communities at SWU. The vision for the development of international cooperation focuses on the implementation of initiatives that could strengthen the place of SWU in the European Educational Area and increase its contribution to the modern economy of knowledge. Owing to the significant contribution of the Erasmus+ program, SWU stimulates its international openness to global cooperation and transnational education, internationalizes its educational product through transfers of knowledge and innovative practices. The academic governance of SWU has always proceeded from the understanding that the university should develop and establish itself as a centre of knowledge with a recognized international authority and a strong international profile. Without the Erasmus+ program, the integration of the university in the European Education Area is not possible. Another goal, achievable through Erasmus+, with strategic determination, is for the university to maintain and develop lasting partnerships with universities from countries outside Europe. The implementation of the Erasmus+ program at SWU, the heart of our internationalization strategy, belongs to our entire community and is a direct commitment of the university governance, teaching staff, students, administrative staff, alumni, friends and parents.

The specific goals that SWU has set to achieve through the Erasmus+ program are:

– а mission for active promotion of an open and tolerant society;

– Introduction to evidence-based teaching;

– improving the relationship with business and industry by attracting experts from practice;

– increasing the number of English-taught programs;

– increasing the professional competencies of teaching staff and administration;

– updating curricula in terms of quality, structure and content and others;