Welcome to South-West University's Erasmus+ Portal!
For 35 years, European Union’s Erasmus programme has enabled over 4 million Europeans to study, train and gain experience abroad. Since 2015, Erasmus+ opened up mobility opportunities in the field of higher education to individuals and organisations from other parts of the world. Through “International Credit Mobility” – ICM for short – European HEIs can set up mobility agreements with partners around the world to send and receive students and staff. In the new Erasmus+ 2021-2027, international mobility of higher education students and staff has two strands: one supported by internal policy funds (KA131) and one by external policy instruments1 (KA171). The latter is the continuation of ICM (KA107) from the 2015-2020 programme period, and the first call for applications was launched in call 2022 of Erasmus+. Erasmus+ is an essential tool to promote people-to-people connectivity worldwide through its external dimension, aiming at cementing links between the European Education Area and the rest of the world. Building on the experience and the lessons learnt from the previous programme period, Erasmus+ 2021-2027 is strongly aligned with the EU’s geopolitical priorities. What’s in it for individuals? ICM projects contributes to strengthening societal links through educational exchanges and mobility. The aim is to support students and staff in higher education institutions acquire and enhance key skills, competences and employability. Mobility for studying or training increase students’ technical, inter-personal and inter-cultural skills and competences, as well as their confidence, ability to achieve goals, and social and cultural openness. Staff can acquire new competences for their professional development, improve their language skills and learn about new working methods. What’s in it for institutions? ICM aims to support reinforce the capacities, quality and relevance for the labour market and society at the participating institutions and support the exchange of good practices. ICM projects strengthen international ties between institutions, giving the partners the opportunity to increase their visibility at local and global levels. It helps to improve the quality of higher education.  

We are honoured to present our Erasmus+ partners from third countries not associate with the Erasmus+ Programme (ex-Partner countries)

Exchange in the field of Speech and Language Pathology

Exchange in the field of Speech and Language Pathology

Exchange in the field of Speech and Language Pathology

Exchange in the field of Languages and Linguistics

Exchange in the field of Economics

Exchange in the field of Languages and Linguistics

Exchange in the field of Environmental Protection

Exchange in the field of Public Relations

Exchange in the field of Computer Sciences

Exchange in the fields of (i) Economics, (ii) Finance, (iii) Banking

Exchange in the fields of (i) Chemistry, (ii) Environmental Protection

Exchange in the field of Languages and Literature

Exchange in the field of Languages and Literature

Exchange in the field of Languages and Literature

Exchange in the fields of: (i) Languages and Literature, (ii) Sports, (iii) Economics

Exchange in the field of: Economics

Exchange in the fields of: (i) Environmental Protection and (ii) Chemistry

Exchange in the field of International Relations


Kyrgyz State Academy of Law, Kyrgyzstan

Exchange in the field of Law


Exchange in the field of Psychology

Exchange in the field of Languages

Exchange in the fields of (i) Economics and (ii) Engineering

PROJECT 2023-1-BG01-KA171-HED-000139633

Budget: 202 455 EUR

Participating institutions:

Neighbourhood East

  • Shota Rustaveli University in Batumi, Batumi, Georgia – Mobilities in Languages
  • Brusov State University, Yerevan, Armenia – Mobilities in Languages


  1. University of Mauritius – Mobilities in Economics
  2. University of Cape Verde – Mobilities in Psychology
  3. Harare Institute of Technology – Mobilities in Computer engineering, AND Economics

PROJECT 2022-1-BG01-KA171-HED-000080029

Budget: 147 380 EUR

Participating institutions:


  1. University of Mostar – Mobilities in Languages and Literature
  2. Visoka skola “CEPS – Centar za poslovne studije” Kiseljak – Mobilities in Economics
  3. University of Korce – Mobilities in Sports, Economics, Languages and Literature
  4. Universum College – Mobilities in Languages in and Literature
  5. University of Monte Negro – Mobilities in Languages in Literature
  6. Mediterranean University of Albania – Mobilities in Economics


  1. Northern Arctic Federal University – Mobilities in Environmental Protection, Ecology and Chemistry


  1. University of Mauritius – Mobilities in Economics



Project 2020-1-BG01-KA107-078948

Budget: 102 055

Participating institutions: 

  1. UNIVERSITE MOHAMMED PREMIER 1 – UMP – Mobilities in Environmental Protection and Chemistry
  3. University of Tirana – Mobilities in Languages
  4. Aleksander Xhuvani University of Elbasan – Mobilities in Economics
  5. University of East Sarajevo – Mobilities in Environmental Protection and Ecology

Project 2019-1-BG01-KA107-062225

Budget: 65 060 EUR

Participating institutions:

  1. Moldova State University – Mobilities in Public Relations
  2. University of Tirana – Mobilities in Languages and Literature
  3. Aleksander Xhuvani University of Elbasan – Mobilities in Economics

The project was completed within 36 months. Partners of the South-West University “Neofit Rilski” (SWU) are the University of Tirana, the University of Elbasan, Albania, and Moldova State University.

The main motivation for the implementation of the project with our Albanian partners was the opportunity for students from Albania, studying Bulgarian language and culture at the University of Tirana, to study within one semester at SWU.

For SWU, this is an opportunity to support the preservation and spread of the Bulgarian national linguistic and cultural identity. The Faculty of Philology of SWU was involved in the education of the students from Tirana, providing them with courses in practical Bulgarian language, specialized translation, translation theory and text editing. Within the framework of project 2019-1-BG01-KA107-062225 SWU received a total of 7 incoming student mobilities.

The University of Tirana had more applicants and that’s why we decided to accept 8 students instead of the 7 we were originally given. Additional mobility is financed with funds from organizational support. In terms of student mobility, the following was achieved: (i) upgrading, expanding and deepening the specialized training of exchange students in their chosen specialty; (ii) familiarized themselves with new methods and approaches in the learning process, actively participated in the process of knowledge sharing and gained experience and knowledge related to life in the academic environment of the host university, with the culture, history and contemporary realities of the respective country.

In terms of teaching mobility, an exchange of ideas and experience, new methods and approaches to teaching and knowledge sharing, and new contacts were established.

The project aimed to improve the intercultural dialogue between the university representatives of the project countries, new opportunities for career development of the mobility participants, modernization of the educational policies of the two institutions and laying the foundations for fruitful cooperation for subsequent student mobility.

The project is an interesting platform for cooperation, as the experience shared with partners from other European countries will be valuable for both universities.


PROJECT 2018-1-BG01-KA107-047282

Budget: 142 389 EUR

Participating organizations:

  1. Michigan State University – Mobilities in Speech and Language Pathology
  2. East Carolina University – Mobilities in Speech and Language Pathology
  3. Kyrgyz State Law Academy – Mobilities in Law

The project was completed in 36 months. Four higher education institutions took part in it – South-West University, Michigan State University, East Carolina University and Kyrgyz State Academy of Law.

The mobilities with MSU and ECU were performed in the field of speech-language pathology (speech-language therapy / logopedics).

The mobilities with KSAL are in the field of legal sciences and law.

The project with MSU and ECU is a natural continuation of a previous Erasmus + project with both partners (from 2016/2017) and a supplement to the previous seven Fulbright projects of SWU in the field of speech therapy. The motivation for participating in a project in partnership with US universities is the presentation of the Bulgarian educational and scientific product in the field of language and speech pathology abroad and especially outside the European Union. The aim of the partnership with the United States is to internationalize the successes of Bulgarian speech therapy in the country with the most highly developed language and speech pathology in the world, as well as to accept the achievements of modern evidence-based teaching in this health speciality.

The standards for training in Speech Therapy, formulated by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) are the most respectful among the international scientific and teaching community and are distinguished by their high requirements. The basis of this project is the study through a proposed series of lectures on fluency and voice pathology related to the model of the World Health Organization for measuring the quality of life in people with communication disorders.

The total number of mobilities between SWU, MSU and ECU is 10. Of these, 3 mobilities from MSU and 1 from ECU to SWU and 6 from SWU to MSU and ECU. It was important for Southwest University “Neofit Rilski” to provide more opportunities for its students and staff to gain valuable international experience and skills which can later be applied in their future or current jobs.

A total of seventeen mobilities took place during project 2018-1-BG01-KA107-047282.

The project itself was orientated in the field of law. The cooperation between the two universities is aimed at creating and developing educational and research networks in order to share our experience as an EU Member State in the Central Asian region and in particular in Kyrgyzstan.

In this regard, international cooperation between the two universities is aimed at creating and developing educational and research networks in order to share our experience as an EU Member State in the Central Asian region and in particular in Kyrgyzstan.

The project facilitated the introduction of modern teaching methods such as: the implementation of joint scientific events and the publication of joint research to provide practical solutions to existing problems in the field of legal sciences, the usage of the EU experience of close cooperation between Member States; to promote legal dialogue between Bulgaria and Kyrgyzstan and more generally between the EU and the countries of Central Asia in areas that are appropriate for such cooperation.



Project 2017-1-BG01-KA107-035621

Budget: 123 587 EUR

Partners of SWU:

  1. Michigan State University – Mobilities in Speech and Language Pathology
  2. Pittsburgh University – Mobilities in Speech and Language Pathology
  3. East Carolina University – Mobilities in Speech and Language Pathology
  4. University of Novi Sad – Mobilities in Computer Sciences
  5. University of Tirana – Mobilities in Languages and Literature
  6. Aleksander Xhuvani University of Elbasan – Mobilities in Economics

The project was completed within 26 months. Partners of South-West University “Neofit Rilski” (SWU) were universities with outstanding research and educational profile.
From the United States, partners of SWU are three highly prestigious universities: Michigan State University (MSU), University of Pittsburgh (UP) and East Carolina University (ECU) – all of them with leading positions in the field of speech and language pathology. The motivation to participate in a project in partnership with US universities is to present the Bulgarian educational and scientific product in the field of language and speech pathology abroad, outside the European Union.
The purpose of the partnership with the USA is to internationalize the successes of the Bulgarian speech therapist in the country with the most developed language-speech pathology in the world, as well as to accept the achievements of modern evidence-based teaching in this health speciality. The Speech Therapy training standards formulated by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) are the most respected among the international scientific and teaching community and are highly demanding. The basis of this project is the study through a proposed cycle of lectures on fluency and voice pathology related to the World Health Organization model for measuring the quality of life
in people with communicative disorders. The total number of mobilities between SWU, ECU, MSU and UP is 13. Of these, 6 outgoing from SWU to the USA and 7 outgoing to SWU from the USA.

SWU’s partners from Albania are two of the leading Albanian universities – the University of Tirana and the University of Elbasan “Alexander Xhuvani”. The main motivation for writing and implementing the project with our Albanian partners was the opportunity for Albanian students, studying Bulgarian language and culture at the University of Tirana, to study was the opportunity for Albanian students, studying Bulgarian language and culture at the University of Tirana, to study
one semester at SWU “Neofit Rilski”. For South-West University “Neofit Rilski” this is an opportunity to help preserve and spread the Bulgarian national language and cultural identity. The Faculty of Philosophy at SWU “Neofit Rilski” was involved in the education of students from Tirana, providing them with practical Bulgarian language courses, specialized translation, translation theory and text editing. The total number of mobility between SWU, University of Tirana and the University of Elbasan is 22. Of these, 13 are incoming for SWU and 9 outgoing for SWU. Three outgoing student mobilities for studies SWU to Albania were PhD students. During their study in Albania, our PhD students were
able to obtain enough empirical material to write their dissertations. As a result of the success of this project, South-West University Neofit Rilski applied again to the Human Resources Development Center and was able to win new funding for mobility with the University of Tirana and University of Elbasan.

The third partner country is Serbia. In the framework of this project a partner was the University of Novi Sad (UNS) and in particular the Mihal Pupin Technical Faculty in Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia.


PROJECT 2016-1-BG01-KA107-023556

Budget: 31 734 EUR

Partners of SWU:

  1. Michigan State University, the U.S. – Mobilities in Speech and Language Pathology
  2. Pittsburgh University – the U. S. – Mobilities in Speech and Language Pathology
  3. Ibn Tufail University – Morocco – Mobilities in International Relations
  4. Aleksander Xhuvani University of Elbasan, Albania – Mobilities in Sociology

This project covers partner mobility with 3 countries – the USA, Morocco and Albania.

The USA is represented by two prominent universities with highly expressed research profile – Michigan State University and Pittsburgh University. Both institutions have a leading role in the education of Logopedics (speech and language pathology). The Department of Logopedics at South-West University “Neofit Rilski” is the leading, first and unique Department of Logopedics in Bulgaria, which trains future logopedists in professional field 7.4. Public Health with three educational degrees: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree. All three degrees have received the highest possible evaluation score from the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency in Bulgaria. The main motivation and focus for SWU to participate in this project with the two American higher-education institutions is to represent the Bulgarian educational and scientific product in the field of speech-and-language pathology abroad, outside the European Union. The purpose of the partnership with the USA is the internationalization of Bulgarian achievements in the field of logopedics in the country with the best logopedics in the world as well as the acceptance of evidence-based teaching in this speciality. The educational standards formulated by ASHA (American Sound and Hearing Association) are the most respecting and demanding ones amongst the international scientific and educational area. At the heart of this project is the study of a lecture-based course on fluency and voice pathology related to the model of the World Health Organization for measuring the quality of life at people with communication disorders (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health ICF, WHO,

Albania is represented by Universitet Aleksander Xhuvani, Elbasan. Mobilities in the fields of
Sociology, Political Sciences have been executed.

The famous Ibn Tofail University represents Morocco.

The total number of successfully executed mobilities is 10 – 5 for America, 2 for Albania and 2 for Morocco.




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