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Rostislav’s Story

Моят престой в Полша
От Ростислав Славчев

Здравейте! Аз се казвам Ростислав Славчев и съм студент IIIти курс в Югозападния Университет „Неофит Рилски“ в Благоевград, специалност “Култура и медии“.

През 2022г. в периода 15.2.2022г.-6.7.2022г., бях в Полша за обучение по програмата Еразъм+. Аз избрах да уча в Силезийския Университет в Катовице и учих дисциплината „Фотография и кинематография“.

Още преди да замина ми беше предложено общежитие в града Сосновец. Общежитието беше в студентски град и пътувах всеки ден до Филмовото училище в Катовице. До Катовице може да се пътува 40 минути с трамвай и 30 с автобус, но до Филмовото училище, аз пътувах с трамвай.

Градовете в Полша са значително по-големи от София, но има добре организиран евтин транспорт със студентски отстъпки. Цените в Полша бяха евтини според мен и можах да си купя различни продукти за стаята и храна и ми стигнаха.

Лекциите ми бяха практически, използвахме студио, което имахме с професионална техника за снимане, светлини и озвучаване. Имахме зали и дори кино зала. Има много запазени барокови сгради, замъци и музеи, които могат да бъдат разгледани на достъпни цени. В общежитието също и зала за тенис на маса, ТВ зала, в някои от другите общежития има и кухня. Има безплатен интернет, но е непостоянен на моменти. Може да се изпращат колети до България и обратно.

Ориентационната седмица беше полезна, макар и повечето от нея да беше дистанционно. Научихме за полската култура, обичаи, език. Имаше безплатни семестриални курсове по Полски език, които посещавах, те бяха всеки вторник и четвъртък в 19:00 (Полско време). Бяхме две групи от Еразъм студенти. Неделя е неработен ден в Полша и почти нищо не работи. В повечето места, не говорят английски, което помага на студента да се опитва да научи полския език донякъде.

Учих до края на месец Май, като нямахме изпити, а имахме практически задачи, правихме снимки и малки филми в тях. Също и гледахме различни филми, като част от някои от дисциплините. Във филмовото училище „Krzysztof Kieślowski“ също има и библиотека на два етажа с различни книги за фотография и кинематография. Там се проведе и филмов фестивал в средата на Май. Хората от ESN (Erasmus Student Network) ни помогнаха да се адаптираме и да научим полезни неща за Полша. Те организираха различни събития, които ни помогнаха да се опознаем помежду си.

Климата е по-различен от българския. Зимата е по-студено, а лятото е по-горещо и през зимата ветровете са по-силни. Отношението към студентите е добро и всички са внимателни и любезни и съдействат за всичко.

В заключение мога да кажа, че съм доволен обучението и престоя ми в Полша по програмата Еразъм+.

If you are interested in the University of Silesia in Katowice, check out the menus below for more information:

Exchange students are undergraduate, master or doctoral students who study temporarily at the University of Silesia in Katowice for one or two semesters, without having the right to get a degree at the University. Exchange students are expected to receive university credits which they can transfer to their degree studies at their home university. You can be considered as an exchange student if there is a valid student exchange programme between your home university and the University of Silesia in Katowice.

Exchange students are welcome to apply within the following programmes:

  • Erasmus+,
  • bilateral agreements,
  • scholarship programmes (NAWA, UNESCO, Visegrad Fund etc.),
  • other short-term programmes.

For the application procedure, accommodation, legalisation of stay as well as other practical information please see the side menu.

Application Procedure

All students nominated for a short-term studies or internship at the University of Silesia in Katowice, regardless of the exchange programme, have to apply online via: www.epass.us.edu.pl.

These are the steps that need to be taken:

1. Create your personal account in the ePASS system.

2. Fill in all the required information.

3. Upload:

  • passport photo (for student’s ID Card),
  • scan of ID card (passport is necessary in the case of non-EU citizens),
  • scan of health insurance (EHIC card in the case of EU citizens),
  • scan of accident insurance.

4. Consult your study programme:

  • Erasmus+ students: please, contact the Erasmus+ departmental coordinator by e-mail to get the list of available courses
  • other exchange students: please, email international@us.edu.pl 

5. Prepare your Learning Agreement and upload it into the ePASS system, signed and stamped by your home university.

6. If you have decided to apply for a room in our dormitories, please choose the right option in ePASS.

7. Print your application form from the ePASS system (from the section “Print your documents”); it will be available only after all your data is complete and approved by system administrators.

8. Upload the application form, signed and stamped by your home university, into the ePASS system.

The data from the ePASS system will be used to prepare your student’s ID, confirm your accommodation, and to provide you with other necessary information.

Deadlines for application:

  • Fall term: 30 June
  • Summer term: 30 November

Please find below the study offer available to exchange students at different faculties of University of Silesia in Katowice in the academic year 2022/2023.

If you have any questions or doubts regarding the study offer, please contact directly the Coordinator(s) for International Cooperation. The list of coordinators is available here.

STUDY OFFER 2022/2023

The academic year is divided into two semesters.

The winter semester starts on the 1st of October and lasts until end of January when the examination session starts.

The summer semester starts in mid-February and lasts until the beginning of June. There are short breaks at the end of December and during Easter. There is practically no teaching from mid-June to the end of September.


All Saint’s Day – 1st November
Independence Day – 11th November
Christmas Day – 25th December
Boxing Day – 26th December
New Year’s Day – 1st January
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
State Holiday – 1st May
Constitution Day – 3rd May
Corpus Christi
Assumption of Mary – 15th August

Calendar for the academic year 2022/2023

01.10.2022 – 26.02.2023

classes03.10.2022 – 22.12.2022
winter break23.12.2022 – 08.01.2023
classes (continued)09.01.2023 – 31.01.2023
winter semester exam session01.02.2023 – 19.02.2023
inter-semester break20.02.2023 – 26.02.2023

make-up exam session 

after the winter semester

27.02.2023 – 14.03.2023


classes27.02.2023 – 05.04.2023
spring break06.04.2023 – 11.04.2023
classes (continued)12.04.2023 – 25.06.2023
summer semester exam session26.06.2023 – 09.07.2023

make-up exam session 

after the summer semester

01.09.2023 – 24.09.2023

summer holidays (including:

minimum 4  weeks  of uninterrupted

summer holidays, internships)

10.07.2023 – 30.09.2023
Calendar for the academic year 2021/2022

01.10.2021 – 20.02.2022

classes02.10.2021 – 22.12.2021
winter break23.12.2021 – 09.01.2022
classes (continued)10.01.2022 – 30.01.2022
winter semester exam session31.01.2022 – 13.02.2022
inter-semester break14.02.2022 – 20.02.2022

make-up exam session 

after the winter semester

21.02.2022 – 15.03.2022

21.02.2022 – 30.09.2022

classes21.02.2022 – 13.04.2022
spring break14.04.2022 -19.04.2022
classes (continued)20.04.2022 – 12.06.2022
summer semester exam session13.06.2022 – 30.06.2022

make-up exam session 

after the summer semester

01.09.2022 – 25.09.2022

summer holidays (including:

minimum 4  weeks  of uninterrupted

summer holidays, internships)

01.07.2022 – 30.09.2022

We require a minimum of B1 level of English (students who want to study in English) and/or  B1 level of Polish (students who want to study in Polish) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).

We do not require any official language certificates but trust our partner universities to check their nominated students’ level of language competence. Please note that the incoming students’ language competence must be confirmed with the home coordinator’s signature in the Application Form (field “Nomination by Home University”).

If you’re not sure what level you are, you can test your language skills using, for example, the online DIALANG test. 

Erasmus+ students may test their current level in the language they will use during their mobility with the use of the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS) platform. Please contact your home coordinator for more details. 

Grading scale
Local Grade ECTS

           ECTS Grade

% of successful students normally achieving
the grade

5 (bardzo dobry)A10EXCELLENT – Outstanding performance
with only minor errors.
4,5 (+4 dobry plus)B25VERY GOOD – Above the average standard
but with some errors
4 (dobry)C30GOOD – Generally sound work with a number of notable errors
3,5 (+3 dostateczny plus)D25SATISFACTORY – Fair but with significant shortcomings
3 (dostateczny)E10SUFFICENT – Performance meets the minimum criteria
2 (niedostateczny)F/FXFAIL (below the minimum criteria)

Dormitories are located in 3 cities of the region; therefore, accommodation is suggested according to the faculty. 

Find your faculty and decide where you want to stay.

Campus in Katowice:

  • Faculty of Natural Sciences (Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection)
  • Faculty of Law and Administration
  • Faculty of Science and Technology (Mathematics, Chemistry)
  • Faculty of Humanities (Polish Philology, History, Philosophy)
  • Faculty of Social Sciences (Political Science, Journalism, Sociology, Pedagogy, Psychology)
  • Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School
  • Faculty of Theology
  • School of Polish Language and Culture

Campus in Chorzów:

  • Faculty of Science and Technology (Materials, Physics)

Campus in Sosnowiec:

  • Faculty of Humanities (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Slavonic)
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences (Earth Sciences)
  • Faculty of Science and Technology (Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering)

Campus in Cieszyn:

  • Faculty of Arts and Educational Science

Please note:

1) Places in our dormitories will be allocated on the ‘first come, first served’ basis.

2) Priority will be given to students who have uploaded all required application documents in the ePASS system.

3) Rooms in the dormitory are allocated not earlier than 1 month prior to the start of the semester. The student receives an automatic email sent from the ePASS system regarding the allocated room in the dormitory or is informed that his/her request for a room is rejected due to the lack of places. This information appears also after loging into your personal ePASS account.

4) Students looking for accommodation on the private market can contact our office to get some recommendations about the possible options. The real property market in Katowice is well developed, so students who would like to look for accommodation on the private market should be able to easily find a room/apartment to stay. University of Silesia in Katowice takes no responsibility for private accommodation, other than University dormitories.   

Private accommodation

I. Student Residence Hall BASECAMP
30 Paderewskiego Street in Katowice

We would like to recommend a new private facility Student Residence Hall BASECAMP, which has been recently built in Katowice. 

Accommodation offer for foreign students coming to University of Silesia within the educational exchange programmes and agreements: single room (15,7 sqm), single with balcony (19,5 sqm), studio (18,9 sqm), studio Large (23,7 sqm), studio Large with balcony (24,3 sqm).

Studios can be occupied by two persons, with a shared bed.

Including: Wi-Fi, access to common kitchens, access to the cinema, 24/7 fully equipped Gym, 24/7 access to laundry, BaseLife Community!

The lease contract, containing the terms of the lease and obligations of the parties, the student concludes with ST Katowice Krasińskiego LLC – a company conducting the Student Residence Hall BASECAMP at 30 Paderewskiego Street in Katowice.

NOTE: All matters regarding accommodation will be regulated by a contract signed between the student and Student Residence Hall BASECAMP.

II. Akademik Polonia
3 Kochanowskiego Street in Katowice


NOTE: All matters regarding accommodation will be regulated by a contract signed between the student and Akademik Polonia.

Please note that University of Silesia in Katowice takes no responsibility for private accommodation, other than University dormitories.

Insurance requirement policy

The exchange students coming to our university are obliged to have a health and accident insurance valid throughout the whole period of their stay in Poland. It is recommended to have a liability insurance, too.

Please, check carefully the expiry date, scope and all provisions of the insurance policy you are going to buy. If you are planning to travel to other countries during your stay in Poland, you must remember that it should be included in your insurance coverage.

Students from the European Union or the European Economic Area are expected to apply for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in their home country.

It is in your best interest and we do hope that you will comply with the above-mentioned requirements.

Health insurance


The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) should be issued by a competent domestic authority before your arrival to Poland and should cover the whole period of your stay in Poland. The EHIC entitles you to free-of-charge health care in Poland on the same principles as the Polish citizens. The free-of-charge services are provided by clinics/hospitals/doctors that have a contract with the Polish National Health Fund (in short: NFZ), which is the institution responsible for health care in Poland..

The facilities of these health care providers are marked with the NFZ logo:

To get treatment by a general practitioner (examination and consultation) you should show your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a replacement certificate together with a valid identity document and student ID.

Recommended NFZ health care units in Katowice and Sosnowiec (service available in English):

ul. Bocheńskiego 38, 40-859 Katowice

ul. Stara Kłodnicka 43, 40-703 Katowice

ul. Będzińska 41, 41-205 Sosnowiec
ul. Sobieskiego 21, 41-200 Sosnowiec

Detailed information concerning health care in Poland can be found at: http://www.nfz.gov.pl/

non-EU citizens

Students from outside the European Union and EEA countries are obliged to obtain the health insurance either at the Polish National Health Fund (NFZ) after coming to Poland or at any other private insurance company in their home country or in Poland. The health insurance must be valid throughout the whole period of your stay in Poland.

Depending on the terms and conditions of your insurance, you can receive health care free of charge, or you will be charged and get the costs of the treatment reimbursed after coming back home.

The University of Silesia cannot endorse any private insurance agencies, so please choose carefully.

If you choose to join the Polish National Health Fund (NFZ) the cost will be around PLN 50 (12 EUR) per month. When using health services, you will have to present your NFZ contract and the monthly premium payment receipt.

Accident insurance

Accident insurance is a policy that pays benefits to the beneficiary in case of fatal and non-fatal accidents. Accident insurance covers loss of life resulting from a covered accident and can provide coverage for some conditions (e.g. loss of limbs, loss of eyesight etc.) resulting from an accident. The conditions which may be covered depend on the policy.

In a case of emergency call 999 or 112.

Legalization of Stay

EU/EEA citizens

Students who are citizens of the European Union or European Economic Area do not need a visa when entering Poland. However, for stays longer than 3 months, students should obtain a temporary residence permit at the Silesian Voivodeship Office.

Silesian Voivodeship Office
Department for Citizenship and Foreigners
Address: Katowice, ul. Jagiellońska 25
Phone: +48 32 207 7327, +48 32 207 7777
E-mail: wsoim@katowice.uw.gov.pl

office hours:
7:30 – 15:30

Further information (in Polish only):

Students must also register their place of stay at the City Hall in the city they are staying in. 

Note: If the address of stay changes, the new address has to be reported to the Silesian Voivodeship Office and the City Hall as soon as possible.


All non-EU/EEA citizens are required to obtain a visa from the Polish Consulate or Embassy in their country of residence before coming to Poland.  A short-term visa entitles students to stay in Poland for up to 3 months; a long-term visa – up to 1 year.

Students must also register their place of stay at the City Hall in the city they are staying in. 

Note: If the address of stay changes, the new address has to be reported to the Silesian Voivodeship Office and the City Hall as soon as possible.

Useful links:

EU Immigration Portal: http://ec.europa.eu/immigration/
Office for Foreigners: https://udsc.gov.pl/en/

Travel Links

Upper Silesia is located at one of the main crossroads of Central Europe. The main road and rail arteries run through the city and region in the West-East direction linking Germany with Ukraine, and North-South linking the Scandinavian countries with Vienna and the south of Europe. You can travel to Katowice most conveniently by the following means of transport:

By Air

From the Katowice-Pyrzowice Airport: by shuttle bus service
Travel time: approx. 30 min.
Tickets: PLN 20 (single), PLN 40 (return) – tickets can be bought online or from the driver
Timetable and more information

From the Kraków-Balice Airport
By train to the centre of Kraków
Travel time: approx. 20 min.
Tickets: PLN 9 (single) – tickets can be bought at the ticket office/machine or from the train conductor on board
Timetable and more information
By bus from the centre of Kraków to the centre of Katowice
Travel time: approx. 1 h 10 min.
Tickets: approx. approx. PLN 15 (exact price depends on the carrier) – tickets can be bought from the driver
Timetable and more information

From the Warsaw-Chopin Airport
By train to Warszawa Zachodnia (line S2 and S3)
Travel time: approx. 20 min.
Tickets: approx. PLN 4 (single) – tickets can be bought at the ticket machine
More information
By train from Warszawa Zachodnia to the centre of Katowice
Travel time: approx. 2 h 30 min.
Tickets: approx. PLN 49 – PLN 150 (exact price depends on the booking time) – tickets can be bought online or at the train station
Timetable and tickets

By Rail

The railway station in Katowice is only a few minutes’ walk from the main University buildings. There are direct rail services from main European cities such as: Paris, Berlin, Prague, Vienna and others. Rail connections with major cities in Poland (Warsaw, Kraków and others) are available several times a day by InterCity trains.
Timetable and tickets

By Coach

There are low-cost direct coach connections between Katowice and numerous European cities offered by FlixBus.

Local Transport

Public transport, including bus, tram and train services, is quite good in the area. Transport within the city area is much cheaper with a monthly ticket. For further information please visit: Karta ŚKUP

Buses and trams: timetable
Local trains: timetable

Please note: The student discount is available only to students below the age of 26 who have a valid ID card issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice.


Taxis are not difficult to find because of a large number of taxi companies competing with each other, especially in the city area. They are, however, far more expensive than public transport.

Cost of living

Your monthly expenses will depend on your habits and needs. Below you will find approximate calculations.

EUR 1 = approx. PLN 4-4.50

Dormitory rent

PLN 400-600

Approximate monthly cost of living

PLN 600-700

Monthly mobile phone subscription

PLN 30-50

Monthly ticket for the public transport

≈ PLN 60-70 (with student ID card)

Cinema ticket

≈ PLN 20 (with student ID card)

Student lunch

≈ PLN 20

Cup of coffee



PLN 5 (shop) PLN 10 (pub)

Loaf of bread


Bottle of mineral water



For current and timely information on world living conditions, including cost of living, housing indicators, health care, traffic, crime and pollution, you can also check the NUMBEO database.

Orientation Week
Orientation Week is the gateway to the Polish language, culture and system of education. Organised by the Erasmus+ Office in cooperation with the School of Polish Language and Culture, the Orientation Week is aimed at familiarising incoming students with the country, the city, and the university where they will carry out their mobility.

Twice a year, usually one week before the start of each semester.


Rectorate Building

University of Silesia in Katowice
ul. Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice, Poland

School of Polish Language and Culture

University of Silesia in Katowice
pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 1, 40-032 Katowice, Poland

To get to know the Polish language, culture, country, system of education, and the University of Silesia in Katowice, as well as meet other exchange students and visit some landmarks of the region. Students who complete the Polish language course during the Orientation Week will get 1 ECTS credit.

Students wishing to take part in the Orientation Week should simply mark it in the ePASS system.

Polish language courses

Semester Polish Language Course for Exchange Students

For students who want to learn the Polish language and for those who know it quite well, the School of Polish Language and Culture of the University of Silesia in Katowice organises a variety of Polish language courses throughout the academic year.

For registration deadlines and for further information about the course, please check:

We recommend that every exchange student participates in the Semester Polish Language Course prepared especially for them. Courses are free of charge for exchange students. There are a variety of groups and levels and, as far as possible, the hours of the courses are adjusted to students’ timetables. To register for the Semester Polish Language Course you need to come to the School of Polish Language and Culture, fill in an application form and take a short test. Students who complete the course get 6 ECTS credits.

The School of Polish Language and Culture also offers summer courses organised on
a tuition basis. For details and application forms, please contact:

School of Polish Language and Culture
E-mail: szkola@us.edu.pl
Phone: +48/32/2009 424
Address: ul. Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
Website: www.sjikp.us.edu.pl

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