VIEW OUR VIDEOCLIP: IRO Valencia is a five-day international training and coaching event that aims to improve the key professional skills of Int. Officers from ETSEAMN Partner Institutions. Participants will have the opportunity to work on their technical and social abilities in an authentic international setting. Upon completing the course, participants will have strengthened their...Read More
During the period 1-5 April 🗓️, our Department of Chemistry hosted Prof. Dragan Dordevic and Prof. Milan Mitic from our dear partner University of Niš. They conducted evidence-based research on natural and chemically modified zeolites from Bulgaria and Serbia 🧪. Their primary aim was to foster the exchange of scientific ideas with our professors and...Read More
Отдел „Международни образователни дейности и сътрудничество“ проведе успешен информационен ден по проект 2023-1-BG01-KA131-HED-000119904, насочен към програмата “Еразъм+”. Събитието беше посетено от студенти от всички образователни степени. Те получиха от нашите експерти изчерпателна информация за възможностите, които програмата предоставя за обучение, работа и специализация в чужбина. В момента поканата за кандидатстване за мобилности с цел обучение...Read More
The University of Bielsko-Biala is extending its offer of Erasmus+ summer internship this year The University of Bielsko-Biala invites you for practical placement, which can be undertaken under Erasmus+ Mobility Programme for the period of June 17th to September 18th. We invite students from the area of: Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Management and Production...Read More
Project 2022-1-BG01-KA171-HED-000080029 of SWU ========== From 11th to 15th March 2024, our academic community experienced fruitful outcomes from the recent Erasmus+ mobility program featuring Prof. Erjola Aliaj, an esteemed Lecturer specializing in Company law, Contractual Law, Private International Law and Bankruptcy Law at the Mediterranean University of Albania, Tirana. 🎓 Prof. Aliaj has played a...Read More
Ние сме Валентин (1 курс), Марио (2 курс) , Цвети (1 курс) , Петя (2 курс) и Яна (3 курс), студенти от Югозападен университет “Неофит Рилски”. Макар и да не се познавахме преди проекта, успяхме да се сприятелим и се наслаждавахме на всеки момент прекаран заедно. Наскоро (през май 2023) имахме удоволствието да участваме в...Read More
👏They were welcomed by Prof. Petar Veselinovich, dean, and by Prof. Dejana Zlatanovic – research supervisor. 👏 👏Thanks to Erasmus+ 🇪🇺and our partners, 🇷🇸the students 👨🎓will work under joint supervision on their dissertation theses. 👨💻📝 👏Thank you,Read More