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Faculty of Law and History

University City / Country Level of study Language of Instruction Level of Language Competence Field of Study Contacts Erasmus Code
Bachelor Master PhD
Faculty of Law and History
University of Warsaw Warsaw, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Political Sciences and Civics monika.satala@adm.uw.edu.pl PL WARSZAW01
University of Warsaw Warsaw, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Law monika.satala@adm.uw.edu.pl PL WARSZAW01
Kafkas University Kars, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 International Relations / History / Public Administration / Law erasmus@kafkas.edu.tr TR KARS01
Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland Bachelor Master PhD English B2 History and Archeology malgorzata1.wozniak@uj.edu.pl PL KRAKOW01
Apor Vilmos Catholic School Budapest, Hungary Bachelor Master PhD English / Bulgarian B2 History and Archeology  erasmus@avkf.hu HU ZSAMBEK01
International Slavic University Skopje, North Macedonia Bachelor Master X English B1 Law erasmus@msu.edu.mk, international@msu.edu.mk MK SKOPJE19
University for Foreigners of Perugia Perugia, Italy Bachelor Master X English / Italian B1 History and Archeology erasmus@unistrapg.it I PERUGIA06
Higher School of Social and Media Culture Torun, Poland Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Political Sciences and Civics krystian.cholaszczynski@aksim.edu.pl PL TORUN04
Daugavpils University Daugavpils, Latvia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Law anna@augstskola.lv LV RIGA33
Izmir Katip Celebi Universitesi Izmir,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 History and Archeology erasmus@ikc.edu.tr, TR IZMIR08
Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Istanbul,Turkey Bachelor Master X English / Turkish B2 Political Sciences and Civics isra.celebi@izu.edu.tr TR ISTANBU41
Malatya Turgut Ozal University Malatya, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 History and Archeology erasmus@ozal.edu.tr TR MALATYA02
Mardin Artuklu University Mardin, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 History and Archeology / Political Sciences and Civics iremkaramik@artuklu.edu.tr TR MARDIN01
EKA University of Applied Sciences Riga, Latvia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Law anna@augstskola.lv LV RIGA33
Usak University Usak, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Political Sciences and Civics ozelkalem@usak.edu.tr TR USAK01
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin, Poland Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Political Sciences and Civics adrian.szumowski@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl PL LUBLIN01
University for Foreigners of Perugia Perugia, Italy Bachelor Master X English B1 History and Archeology erasmus@unistrapg.it I PERUGIA06
Ataturk University Erzurum,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Law erasmus@atauni.edu.tr TR ERZURUM01
University of Macedonia Thessaloniki,Greece X Master X English B2 History and Archeology elasideri@uom.edu.gr G THESSAL02
Neapolis University Paphos, Cyprus Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Law iliana-keli.georgiou@nup.ac.cy CY PAFOS01
Cag University Mersin,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Law erasmus@cag.edu.tr TR MERSIN02
Eskisehir Osmangazi University Eskisehir, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B2 Political Sciences and Civics erasmus@ogu.edu.tr TR ESKISEH02
Goce Delchev University Shtip, Macedonia Bachelor Master PhD English B2 History and Archeology / Law icc@ugd.edu.mk MK STIP01
Democritus University of Thrace Xanthi, Greece Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Law emavr@admin.duth.gr G KOMOTIN01
Rennes School of Business Rennes,France Bachelor Master X English B2 Law laura.meunier@rennes-sb.com F RENNES27
Ufuk University Ankara,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Political Sciences and Civics berk.kocak@ufuk.edu.tr TR ANKARA19
West University of Timișoara Timisoara, Romania Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Law / History and Archeology oana.ivan@e-uvt.ro RO TIMISOA01
University of Castilla-La Mancha Ciudad Real, Spain Bachelor X X English B1 Law ori@uclm.es E CIUDA-R01
Siirt University Siirt, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Political Sciences and Civics semihaktug@siirt.edu.tr TR SIIRT01
University of Rzeszow Rzeszow, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Law erokosz@ur.edu.pl PL RZESZOW02
Hitit University Corum,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 History and Archeology erasmus@hitit.edu.tr TR CORUM01
Hitit University Corum,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Political Sciences and Civics erasmus@hitit.edu.tr TR CORUM01
University Constantin Brâncuşi Targu Jiu, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Political Sciences and Civics
Trabzon University Trabzon,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Law gurhanbebek@trabzon.edu.tr TR TRABZON04
International Balkan University Skopje,Macedonia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Public relations and marketing communications/ Public relations / Political Sciences / Legal studies/ Administrative law/ International law/ Criminal law/ Business law iro@ibu.edu.mk MK SKOPJE04
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Rize,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 History and Archeology erasmus@erdogan.edu.tr TR RIZE01
Istanbul Esenyurt University Istanbul,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Political Sciences and Civics cananhecer@esenyurt.edu.tr TR ISTANBU50
Adiyaman University Adiyaman,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Political Sciences and Civics / History and Archeology erasmus@adiyaman.edu.tr TR ADIYAMA01
Pavol Jozef Safarik University Kosice,Slovakia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Law veronika.petrunova@upjs.sk SK KOSICE02
University of Nis Niš,Serbia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 History and Archeology / Law ivica.manic@elfak.ni.ac.rs RS NIS01
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities Siedlcle,Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 History and Archeology olga.jodelka@uph.edu.pl PL SIEDLCE01
D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara Chieti CH, Italy Bachelor Master PhD English B1 History and Archeology agreements@unich.it I CHIETI01
Aosta Valley University Aosta, Italy Bachelor X X Italian B1 Political Sciences and Civics rettrice@univda.it I AOSTA02
Catholic University of Croatia Zagreb, Croatia Bachelor Master X English B2 History and Archeology erasmus@unicath.hr HR ZAGREB15
University of Peloponnese Tripoli, Greece Bachelor Master PhD English B2 History and Archeology adnikolo@uop.gr G TRIPOLI03
Ankara Universitesi Ankara,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B2 Political Sciences and Civics erasmus@ankara.edu.tr TR ANKARA01
University of Zagreb Zagreb, Croatia Bachelor Master PhD English B2 History and Archeology erasmus.sporazum@unizg.hr HR ZAGREB01
Madrid Complutense University Madrid, Spain Bachelor Master X English B2 History and Archeology  informacion@ucm.es E MADRID03
University of Salzburg Salzburg, Austria Bachelor Master X English B1 Law mariane.wonneberger@plus.ac.at A SALZBUR01
“December 1 1918” University Alba Iulia, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 History and Archeology  bpc@uab.ro RO ALBAIU01
Artesis Plantijn University College of Antwerp  Antwerpen,,Belgium Bachelor Master X English B1 Law international@ap.be B ANTWERP62
Ankara Science University Ankara, Turkey X Master X English B1 Law erasmus@ankarabilim.edu.tr TR ANKARA29
Bursa Technical University Bursa, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Business, administration and law, interdisciplinary programmes rectorate.erasmus@btu.edu.tr TR BURSA02
Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp Antwerpen, Belgium X Master X English B1 Law international@ap.be B ANTWERP62
Strasbourg University Strasbourg, France Bachelor Master X English,French B1 Law dri-contact@unistra.fr F STRASBO48
Democritus University of Thrace Xanthi, Greece X Master PhD English, Greek B2 Law emavr@admin.duth.gr G KOMOTIN01
Bingol University Bingol,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Business, Administration and Law/History and Archeology erasmus@bingol.edu.tr TR BINGOL01
Spiru Haret University Craiova, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Law erasmus@spiruharet.ro RO BUCURES20
International Balkan University Skopje,Macedonia Bachelor Master PhD English/Bulgarian B1 Law /Political Sciences and Civics iro@ibu.edu.mk MK SKOPJE04
University of Tetova Tetova,Macedonia Bachelor Master X English/Bulgarian B1 Law shefik.shehu@unite.edu.mk MK TETOVO01
University of Tetova Tetova, Macedonia Bachelor Master X English/Bulgarian B1 History and Archaelogy shefik.shehu@unite.edu.mk MK TETOVO01
University of Ioannina Ioannina, Greece Bachelor Master PhD English B2 History and Archaelogy erasmus@uoi.gr G IOANNIN01
Hasan Kalyoncu Universitesy Gaziantep,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 (i) Law, (ii) Political Sciences and Civics info@hku.edu.tr TR GAZIANT03
Cankiri Karatekin University Cankiri, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Law, (ii) History and Archaeology  erasmus@karatekin.edu.tr TR CANKIRI01
TOBB University of Economics and Technology Ankara, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Law erasmus@etu.edu.tr TR ANKARA10
SIVAS CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITESY Sivas, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Law, (ii) History and Archaeology iia@cumhuriyet.edu.tr TR SIVAS01
Pomeranian University in Slupsk Slupsk, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Law, (ii) History and Archaeology yelyzaveta.okunkova@apsl.edu.pl PL SLUPSK01
Ovidius University in Constanta Constanta, Romania X Master X English B1 Law erasmus@univ-ovidius.ro RO CONSTAN02
University Educons in Sremska Kamenica Sremska Kamenitsa X Master X English B1 Law erasmus@educons.edu.rs RS NOVISAD04
AYDIN ADNAN MENDERES UNIVERSITESY Aydin, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Political Sciences and Civics osencerman@adu.edu.tr TR AYDIN01
Transilvania University  Brasov, Romania X Master X English B1 Law slache@unitbv.ro RO BRASOV01
Artvin Coruh University Artvin, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 History and Archaelogy  taskayahakann@gmail.com TR ARTVIN01
Turkish National Police Academy Ankara, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Security Services, (ii) Law erasmus@egm.gov.tr TR ANKARA13
Dimitrie Cantemir University Targu Mures, Romania X Master X English B1 Law laura.avram@cantemir.ro RO TARGU05
University of Iasi Iasi, Romania Bachelor Master History English, French, Romanian B2 History and Archaelogy  iolanda.bogles@uaic.ro RO IASI02
Avrasya University Trabzon,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Political Sciences and Civics murat.genc@avrasya.edu.tr TR TRABZON03
University of Lodz Lodz, Poland Bachelor Master PhD English B2 History and Archaelogy eleonora.batorowicz@uni.lodz.pl PL LODZ01
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Kahramanmaras,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 History and Archaeology, International Relations / Political Sciences ozlemn@ksu.edu.tr TR KAHRAMA01
Dokuz Eylul University Izmir,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 History and archaeology melissa.cagle@deu.edu.tr, yakup.ozturk@deu.edu.tr TR IZMIR01
Collegium Civitas
Warsaw, Poland Bachelor Master English B2 (i)Public Administration, (ii) Political Sciences malgorzata.kostecka@civitas.edu.pl PL WARSZAW35
MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Ankara, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 History and Archaeology europeanmobility@metu.edu.tr TR ANKARA04
University of Maribor Maribor, Slovenia Bachelor Master X English B1 Law Incoming.erasmus@um.si SI MARIBOR01
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