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Faculty of Engineering

University City / Country Level of study Language of Instruction Level of Language Competence Field of Study Contacts Erasmus Code
Bachelor Master PhD
Faculty of Technology
International Slavic University Skopje, North Macedonia Bachelor Master X English B1 Information and Communication Technologies erasmus@msu.edu.mk, international@msu.edu.mk MK SKOPJE19
Higher School of Social and Media Culture Torun, Poland Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies krystian.cholaszczynski@aksim.edu.pl PL TORUN04
Toros University Mersin, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Engineering and Engineering Trades rektorluk@toros.edu.tr TR MERSIN04
Maltepe Universitesi Istanbul, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies Işıl Altay, erasmus@maltepe.edu.tr TR ISTANBU18
International University of Novi Pazar Novi Pazar, Serbia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies iro@uninp.edu.rs RS NOVIPAZ01
EKA University of Applied Sciences Riga, Latvia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies anna@augstskola.lv LV RIGA33
West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, Poland Bachelor Master X English B2 Engineering / Manufacturing and Construction international@zut.edu.pl PL SZCZECI02
Transilvania University  Brasov, Romania Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Electricity and energy / Electroics and Automation / Mechanics and Metal Trades slache@unitbv.ro RO BRASOV01
West University of Timișoara Timișoara, Romania Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Earth Sciences oana.ivan@e-uvt.ro RO TIMISOA01
Szechenyi Istvan University  Gyor,Hungary Bachelor Master X English B1 Electronics and automation / Information and Communication Technologies kerpics.kinga@sze.hu HU GYOR01
Romanian American University Bucharest,Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Information and Communication Technologies erasmus@student.rau.ro RO BUCURES18
Goce Delchev University Shtip,Macedonia Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Engineerin Trades / Information and Communication Technologies / Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather) martina.nikolovska@ugd.edu.mk MK STIP01
Turiba University Riga, Latvia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies imants.bergs@turiba.lv LV RIGA09
Toros University Mersin, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Computer use / Electronics and Automation rektorluk@toros.edu.tr TR MERSIN04
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Burdur,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Engineering and Engineering Trades rektorademkorkmaz@mehmetakif.edu.tr TR BURDUR01
International Hellenic University Thessaloniki,Greece Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Information and Communication Technologies / Engineering and Engineering Trades fei@emt.ihu.gr G THESSAL14
Constantin Brâncuși University
Targu Jiu,Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Mechanics and Metal Trades / Computer Use / Engineering and Engineering Trades / Electricity and Energy / Electronics and Automation erasmus.ucb.targujiu@gmail.com RO TARGU04
Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences Šiauliai, Lithuania Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies r.kudrickaite@svako.lt LT SIAULIA03
“December 1 1918” University Alba Iulia, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Computer use bpc@uab.ro RO ALBAIU01
Klaipeda State University Klaipeda,Lithuania Bachelor X X English B1 Information and Communication Technologies / Electronics and Automation / Mechanics and Metal Trades i.berenyte@kvk.lt LT KLAIPED09
Trabzon University Trabzon,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies gurhanbebek@trabzon.edu.tr TR TRABZON04
Gaziantep University Gaziantep,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and Engineering Trades intloffice@gantep.edu.tr TR GAZIANT01
University of Nis Niš,Serbia Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and communication technologies / Software and applications development and analysis / Electronics and automation / Textiles (clothes, footwear, and leather) ivica.manic@elfak.ni.ac.rs RS NIS01
Constantin Brâncuși University Targu Jiu,Romania Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Computer Use / Mechanics and Metal Trades / Engineering and Engineering Trades / Electricity and Energy / Electronics and Automation erasmus.ucb.targujiu@gmail.com RO TARGU04
WSG University Bydgoszcz,Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Information and Communication Technologies yuliia.mulyk@byd.pl PL BYDGOSZ06
Liepaja University Liepaja,Latvia Bachelor X X English B1 Information and Communication Technologies erasmus@liepu.lv LV LIEPAJA01
International Hellenic University Sedes,Greece Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Information and Communication Technologies fei@emt.ihu.gr G THESSAL14
“December 1 1918” University Alba Iulia, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Information and Communication Technologies/ bpc@uab.ro RO ALBAIU01
Ankara Science University Ankara, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Computer Engineering erasmus@ankarabilim.edu.tr TR ANKARA29
The Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest Bucharest, Romania Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Building and Civil engineering, Information and Communication technologies iro@utcb.ro RO BUCURES08
Spiru Haret University Craiova, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Information and Communication Technologies, (ii) Engineering and engineering trades erasmus@spiruharet.ro pomerian
Bingol University Bingol,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Engineering and Engineering Trades erasmus@bingol.edu.tr TR BINGOL01
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Univerity Canakkale,Turkey Bachelor Master X Turkish/English B1 (i) Engineering and Engineering Trades, (ii) Electronics and Automation erasmusba@comu.edu.tr TR CANAKKA01
University of Rijeka Rijeka,Croatia Bachelor Master PhD English/Bulgarian B1 Information and Communication Technologies/Computer Science international@uniri.hr HR RIJEKA01
University of Tetova Tetovo,Macedonia Bachelor Master X English/Bulgarian B1 Information and Communication Technologies shefik.shehu@unite.edu.mk MK TETOVO01
Rezekne Academy of Technologies Rezekne, Latvia Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) 0619: Information and Communication Technologies, (ii) Engineering and engineering trades, (iii) Textiles sanda.kaulina@rta.lv LV REZEKNE02
Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad Arad, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 0710: Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined (06.0 – 5, 52, 520)  bpc@uav.ro RO ARAD01
Hasan Kalyoncu Universitesy Gaziantep,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Electrical and Electronics Engineering info@hku.edu.tr TR GAZIANT03
Cankiri Karatekin University Cankiri, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and engineering trades not further defined  erasmus@karatekin.edu.tr TR CANKIRI01
TOBB University of Economics and Technology Ankara, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Electricity and Energy erasmus@etu.edu.tr TR ANKARA10
Lithuania Business College Klaipeda,Lithuania Bachelor Master X English B1 Computer Use international@ltvk.lt LT KLAIPED07
SIVAS CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITESY Sivas, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and Engineering Trades  iia@cumhuriyet.edu.tr TR SIVAS01
Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Ventspils, Latvia Bachelor Master X English B1 Computer use erasmus@venta.lv LV VENTSPI01
Bartin University Bartin, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and engineering trades not further defined  ulik@bartin.edu.tr TR BARTIN01
University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow Tarnow, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and egineering trades anna.kocol@gmail.com PL TARNOW02
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar Tomar, Portugal Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Engineering and engineering trades, (ii) Computer use  vtana@ipt.pt P TOMAR01
Land Forces Academy “Nicolae Balcescu” Sibiu, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and engineering trades not further defined erasmus@armyacademy.ro RO SIBIU03
Ovidius University in Constanta Constanta, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined erasmus@univ-ovidius.ro RO CONSTAN02
AYDIN ADNAN MENDERES UNIVERSITESY Aydin, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 (i) Electronics and Automation, (ii) Electricity and Energy, (iii) Mechanics and metal trades osencerman@adu.edu.tr TR AYDIN01
Artvin Coruh University Artvin, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined  taskayahakann@gmail.com TR ARTVIN01
Polytechnic University of Bucharest Bucharest, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined  erasmus@upb.ro RO BUCURES43
Mus Alparslan Universitesy Mus, Turkey Bachelor X X English B1 Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined erasmusofis@alparslan.edu.tr TR MUS01
University of Salamanca Salamanca, Spain Bachelor Master X Spanish B1 Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined  erasmusbellasartes@usal.es E SALAMAN02
Giresun University Giresun, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 (i) Computer Use, (ii) Electronice and Automation erasmusplus@giresun.edu.tr TR GIRESUN01
Alanya University Alanya, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) ICT, (ii) Computer Use, (iii) Software applications development and analysis, (iv) Database and Network Design ahep_int@ahep.edu.tr TR ANTALYA04
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava Trnava, Slovakia Bachelor Master X English B1  Information and Communication Technologies  andrea.cajkova@ucm.sk SK TRNAVA02
University of Maribor Maribor, Slovakia Bachelor Master X English B1 Engineering  erasmus@um.si SI MARIBOR01
University of Zilina Zilina, Slovakia Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Engineering, (ii) Computer use  jozef.ristvej@uniza.sk SK ZILINA01
Antalya AKEV University Antalya, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Software Engineering gokhan.akel@belek.edu.tr TR ANTALYA05
Pamukkale University Denizli, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B2 (i) Mechanical Engineering and Technologies, (ii) Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, (iii) Communication and Computer Engineering erasmus@pau.edu.tr TR DENIZLI01
University of Silesia in Katowice Katowice, Poland Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Database and network design and administration  jaroslaw.gasior@us.edu.pl PL KATOWIC01
Technical University of Dresden Dresden, Germany Bachelor Master X German/English B1 Textile yordan.kyosev@tu-dresden.de D DRESDEN02
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