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Faculty of Economics

University City / Country Level of study Language of Instruction Level of Language Competence Field of Study Contacts erasmus code
Bachelor Master PhD Student
Faculty of Economics \
Kafkas University Kars, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Tourism/Economics/Management and Marketing/Finance and Accounting erasmus@kafkas.edu.tr TR KARS01
Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland Bachelor Master PhD Student English B2 Management and Adminsitration malgorzata1.wozniak@uj.edu.pl PL KRAKOW01
International Slavic University Skopje, North Macedonia Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics erasmus@msu.edu.mk, international@msu.edu.mk MK SKOPJE19
University of Kragujevac  Kragujevac, Serbia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics erasmus@kg.ac.rs RS KRAGUJE01
Ovidius University of Constanța Constanta, Romonia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics erasmus@univ-ovidius.ro RO CONSTAN02
Kodolanyi Janos University Szekesfehervar, Hungary Bachelor Master X English B2 Business Administration / Tourism erasmus@kodolanyi.hu HU SZFVAR01
Newton University Brno, Czech Republic Bachelor X X English B1 Economics jana.majerova@newton.university CZ BRNO08
Open University of Cyprus Nicosia,Cyprus Bachelor Master X English / Greek B2 Economics sarri@ouc.ac.cy CY LEFKOSI01
Toros University Mersin, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Finance / Banking and Insurance / Business Administration rektorluk@toros.edu.tr TR MERSIN04
Sakarya Applied Sciences University Sakarya, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Travel and Tourism erasmus@subu.edu.tr TR SAKARYA02
Philips University Strovolos,Cyprus Bachelor X X English B1 Accounting and Taxation / Finance / Banking and Insurance erasmus@philipsuni.ac.cy CY NICOSIA38
P. A. College  Larnaca,Cyprus Bachelor Master X English B1 Business Administration k.evagorou@faculty.pacollege.ac.cy CY LARNACA01
Haute Ecole Lucia de Brouckère Bruxelles, Belgium Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics crepin.misonge@cnldb.be B BRUXEL88
Mersin University Mersin,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Hotel and Resteurant Catering / Business Administration / Economics / Accounting and taxation international@mersin.edu.tr TR MERSIN01
Mus Alparslan University Mus,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics erasmusofis@alparslan.edu.tr TR MUS01
Ordu University Ordu, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Tourism and Leisure erasmus@odu.edu.tr TR ORDU01
American College Nicosia, Cyprus Bachelor X X English B1 Travel Toursim and Leisure vasilis.cleopa@ac.ac.cy CY NICOSIA22
Malatya Turgut Ozal University Malatya, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Travel Toursim and Leisure erasmus@ozal.edu.tr TR MALATYA02
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University Nigde,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics erasmus@ohu.edu.tr TR NIGDE01
Harran University Sanliurfa,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics acebeci@harran.edu.tr TR SANLIUR01
Sinop University Sinop,Turkey Bachelor X X English B1 Economics hicranmaliyok@sinop.edu.tr TR SINOP01
Yozgat Bozok University Yozgat,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics erasmus@bozok.edu.tr TR YOZGAT01
College of Tourism and Hotel Management Nicosia, Cyprus Bachelor X X English B1 Travel Toursim and Leisure panayiotis@cothm.ac.cy CY NICOSIA10
Ctl Eurocollege Limassol, Cyprus Bachelor X X English B1 Business Administration mariannak@ctleuro.ac.cy CY LARNACA06
   Novi Pazar, Serbia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Business administration iro@uninp.edu.rs RS NOVIPAZ01
Turiba University Riga, Latvia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Business and administration / Management and administration / Marketing and Advertising imants.bergs@turiba.lv  LV RIGA09
Ovidius University of Constanța Constanta,Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics erasmus@univ-ovidius.ro  RO CONSTAN02
Chemnitz University of Technology Chemnitz,Germany Bachelor Master X English B2 Business and Administration oliver.sachs@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de D CHEMNIT01
Romanian American University Bucharest,Romania Bachelor Master X English B2 Business and Administartion / Travel Tourism and Leisure erasmus@rau.ro  RO BUCURES18
Vsb – Technical University of Ostrava Ostrava, Czechia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Business and Administration monika.manakova@vsb.cz  CZ OSTRAVA01
Universitas Cooperativa de Ensino Superior e Investigacao Cientifica Crl Lisboa,Portugal Bachelor X X English B2 Hotel Resteurant and Catering / Travel Tourism and Leisure gri@iseclisboa.pt  P LISBOA104
Goce Delchev University Shtip,Macedonia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B2 Hotel Resteurant and Catering / Travel Tourism and Leisure icc@ugd.edu.mk  MK STIP01
Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Istanbul, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Business Administration / Economics isra.celebi@izu.edu.tr  TR ISTANBU41
Rennes School of Business Rennes,France Bachelor Master X English B2 Business Administration laura.meunier@rennes-sb.com F RENNES27
Hitit University Ankara, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics serdar.unver@ufuk.edu.tr  TR ANKARA19
Constantin Brâncuși University Targu Jiu,Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics / Business and Administration / Accounting and Taxation / Finance Banking and Insurance / Management and Administration erasmus.ucb.targujiu@gmail.com  RO TARGU04
Siirt University Siirt,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics / Business and Administration semihaktug@siirt.edu.tr  TR SIIRT01
Bilecik University Bilecik,Turkey Bachelor X X English B1 Economics sukru.beydemir@bilecik.edu.tr  TR BILECIK01
University of Rzeszow Rzeszow, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics / Travel Tourism and Leisure erokosz@ur.edu.pl PL RZESZOW02
Toros University Mersin, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Finance / Banking and Insurance / Management and Administration rektorluk@toros.edu.tr TR MERSIN04
Giresun University Giresun, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics / Travel Tourism and Leisure erasmusplus@giresun.edu.tr TR GIRESUN01
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Burdur,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Travel Tourism and Leisure alikantes85@gmail.com TR BURDUR01
International Hellenic University Thessaloniki,Greece Bachelor Master PhD Student English B2 Economics / Business and Administration fei@emt.ihu.gr G THESSAL14
Klaipeda State University Klaipeda,Lithuania Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Travel Tourism and Leisure / Business and Administration / Economics i.berenyte@kvk.lt LT KLAIPED09
Pula Juraj Dobrila University Pula,Croatia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Travel Tourism and Leisure international.office@unipu.hr HR PULA01
Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences Šiauliai, Lithuania Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Business and administration  / Accounting and taxation / Finance Banking and Insurance / Management and administration r.kudrickaite@svako.lt LT SIAULIA03
International Balkan University Skopje,Macedonia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics / Management and Administration/ Finance, Banking and Insurance/ Marketing and Advertising iro@ibu.edu.mk MK SKOPJE04
Klaipeda State University Klaipeda,Lithuania Bachelor X X English B1 Travel Tourism and Leisure / Finance Banking and Insurance / Accounting and Taxation i.berenyte@kvk.lt LT KLAIPED09
Baltic International Academy Riga,Latvia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics / Accounting and Taxation / Finance Banking and Insurance / Marketing and Advertising / Business / Administration / Travel Tourism and Leisure viktorija.petlak@bsa.edu.lv LV RIGA28
University of Castilla-La Mancha Ciudad Real,Spain Bachelor X X English B1 Economics ori@uclm.es E CIUDA-R01
Daugavpils University Daugavpils,Latvia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics anna@augstskola.lv LV RIGA33
Istanbul Esenyurt University Istanbul,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 (i) Business and Administration, (ii) Marketing and Advertising, (iii) Finance, banking and insurance cananhecer@esenyurt.edu.tr TR ISTANBU50
Adiyaman University Adiyaman,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Travel Tourism and Leisure / Economics / Business and Administration erasmus@adiyaman.edu.tr TR ADIYAMA01
University of Nis Niš,Serbia Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics / Business and Administration ivica.manic@elfak.ni.ac.rs RS NIS01
Collegium Mazovia Innovative School Siedlce,Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics / Finance Banking and Insurance ajonska@mazovia.edu.pl PL SIEDLCE03
State School of Higher Education in Chelm Chelm,Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Business and Administration
WSG University Bydgoszcz,Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics yuliia.mulyk@byd.pl PL BYDGOSZ06
WSG University Bydgoszcz,Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Hotel Resteurant and Catering yuliia.mulyk@byd.pl PL BYDGOSZ06
Liepaja University Liepaja,Latvia Bachelor X X English B1 Travel Tourism and Leisure erasmus@liepu.lv LV LIEPAJA01
Aosta Valley University Aosta,Italy Bachelor X X Italian B1 Economics rettrice@univda.it I AOSTA02
International Hellenic University Thessaloniki,Greece Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics fei@emt.ihu.gr G THESSAL14
Bucharest University of Economic Studies Bucharest,Romania Bachelor Master PhD Student English B2 Economics / Management and Administration / Accounting and Taxation / Finance Banking and Insurance / Marketing and Advertising / erasmus@ase.ro RO BUCURES04
“December 1 1918” University Alba Iulia, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics / Business and Administration bpc@uab.ro RO ALBAIU01
Powislanska Higher School Kwidzyn, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics/Business and Administration/Finance Banking and Insurance erasmusplus@psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl PL KWIDZYN01
Ankara Science University Ankara, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics/Business and Administration erasmus@ankarabilim.edu.tr TR ANKARA29
Bursa Technical University Bursa, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Business, administration and law, interdisciplinary programmes/Management and Administration/Economics rectorate.erasmus@btu.edu.tr TR BURSA02
University of Aveiro Aveiro, Portugal Bachelor X X English B1 Travel, tourism and leisure sandra.soares@ua.pt P AVEIRO01
Spiru Haret University Craiova, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics/Business and Administration/Accounting and Taxation/Management and Administration erasmus@spiruharet.ro RO BUCURES20
Bingol University Bingol,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD Student English B1 Economics/Business and Administration/Management and Administration/ erasmus@bingol.edu.tr TR BINGOL01
Sirnak University Sirnak,Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics ba-erasmus@sirnak.edu.tr TR SIRNAK01
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Univerity Canakkale,Turkey Bachelor Master X Turkish/English B1 Business and Administration erasmusba@comu.edu.tr TR CANAKKA01
Transilvania University  Brasov,Romania Bachelor Master X English/Bulgarian B1 Business and Administration slache@unitbv.ro RO BRASOV01
University of Tetova Tetovo,Macedonia Bachelor Master X English/Bulgarian B1 Business and Administration/Marketing and Advertising/Economics/Travel,Tourism and Leisure/Finance, Banking and Insurance shefik.shehu@unite.edu.mk MK TETOVO01
Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad Arad, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Business and Administration bpc@uav.ro RO ARAD01
Hasan Kalyoncu Universitesy Gaziantep,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 (i) 0410: Business and administration, not further defined, (ii) Economics simge.yilmaz@hku.edu.tr TR GAZIANT03
Cankiri Karatekin University Cankiri, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Business and administration, (ii) Economics erasmus@karatekin.edu.tr TR CANKIRI01
Lithuania Business College Klaipeda,Lithuania Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Management and Administration (ii) Travel, Tourism and Leisure international@ltvk.lt LT KLAIPED07
ZONGULDAK BULENT ECEVIT UNIVERSITY Zonguldak, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B2 Business and administration dincer.bicer@beun.edu.tr TR ZONGULD01
SIVAS CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITESY Sivas, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Business and administration, (ii) Economics iia@cumhuriyet.edu.tr TR SIVAS01
Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Ventspils, Latvia Bachelor Master X English B1 Business and administration erasmus@venta.lv LV VENTSPI01
Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus Bachelor X X English B1 (i) Finance, Banking and Insurance, (ii) Accounting and Taxation iliana-keli.georgiou@nup.ac.cy CY PAFOS01
Bartin University Bartin, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1  Business and administration not further defined ulik@bartin.edu.tr TR BARTIN01
University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow Tarnow, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Economics, (ii) Business and Administration anna.kocol@gmail.com PL TARNOW02
Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies Estoril, Portugal Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Management and Administration (ii) Travel, Tourism and Leisure, (iii) Marketing and Advertising carlos.brandao@eshte.pt P ESTORIL01
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar Tomar, Portugal Bachelor Master X English B1 Travel, tourism and leisure vtana@ipt.pt P TOMAR01
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Versailles, France Bachelor X X Engglish/French B1 Business administration agreements@uvsq.fr F VERSAIL11
Land Forces Academy “Nicolae Balcescu” Sibiu, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Economics, (ii) Business and Administration erasmus@armyacademy.ro RO SIBIU03
Munzur University Tunceli, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics erasmus@munzur.edu.tr TR TUNCELI01
KTO Karatay University Karatay, Konya, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Business Administration erasmus@karatay.edu.tr TR KONYA02
University of Ioannina Ioannina, Greece Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Economics erasmus@uoi.gr G IOANNIN01
Pomeranian University in Slupsk Slupsk, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Travel, tourism and leisure, (ii) Business and Administration yelyzaveta.okunkova@apsl.edu.pl PL SLUPSK01
AYDIN ADNAN MENDERES UNIVERSITESY Aydin, Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B1 Travel, tourism and leisure osencerman@adu.edu.tr TR AYDIN01
Artvin Coruh University Artvin, Turkey Bachelor Master X English B1 Business and administration taskayahakann@gmail.com TR ARTVIN01
Hochschule Bremen – City University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany Bachelor Master X English B2 Travel, tourism and leisure erasmus@hs-bremen.de D BREMEN04
Dimitrie Cantemir University Targu Mures, Romania Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics laura.avram@cantemir.ro RO TARGU05
University of Maribor Maribor, Slovakia Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Economics, (ii) Travel, tourism and leisure, (iii) Business and administration erasmus@um.si SI MARIBOR01
University of Zilina Zilina, Slovakia Bachelor Master X English B1 Business and administration jozef.ristvej@uniza.sk SK ZILINA01
Casa College Nicosia, Cyprus Bachelor Master PhD English B1 (i) Travel, tourism and leisure, (ii) Management and Administration erasmus@casacollege.ac.cy CY NICOSIA36
University of Wroclaw Wroclaw, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 Economics sylwester.orzechowski@uwr.edu.pl PL WROCLAW01
University of Bialystok Bialystok, Poland Bachelor Master X English B1 (i) Finance, Banking and Insurance, (ii) Accounting and Taxation, (iii) Economics izabelas@uwb.edu.pl PL BIALYST04
Sting Academy Brno, Czech Republic Bachelor X X English B2 Business and Administration erasmus@sting.cz CZ BRNO14
University of Cantabria Santander, Spain Bachelor Master X Spanish/English B1/B2 Economics agueda.sanchez@unican.es E SANTAND01
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Kahramanmaras,Turkey Bachelor Master PhD English B2 Administration and Management Public Administration / Business management and entrepreneurship,  Accounting and Control / Finance / Marketing ozlemn@ksu.edu.tr TR KAHRAMA01
UNIE University  Madrid, Spain Bachelor X X English B2 Business and administration relaciones.internacionales@universidadunie.com E MADRID238
VDU – Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas Kaunas, Lithuania Bachelor Master PhD English B2 (i) Economics, (ii) Finance, (iii) Management and administration, (iv) Marketing erasmus@vdu.lt LT KAUNAS01
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