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Call for students BIP Application – “Effective Communication in the Intercultural Environment”

SWU announces a student call for BIP applications for 10 places in a Blended-Intensive Programme organized by Powislanski University in Gdansk, Poland.

 Application deadline: 22nd November 2024

Application form: HERE
Each student will undergo a selection interview. Student selection will be based on the following criteria: https://erasmus.swu.bg/about-us/internal-regulations-bg-only/
Each applicant will receive an email notification with the date, time, and location of the interview, which will be held no later than 27th November 2024.

Each selected applicant will receive a total grant of 862 EUR, subject to further confirmation.

More information follows below:

Powiślański University is hosting a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) focusing on Effective Communication in the Intercultural Environment. This event aims to enhance participants’ understanding and skills in managing cultural differences within healthcare environments, emphasizing practical applications and international collaboration. Target Audience: The event is designed for international students and University staff, providing a platform for cross-cultural exchange and learning. Participants are encouraged to engage actively in all sessions to maximize their learning experience. The program not only provides academic insights but also offers opportunities to explore Polish culture and build international networks. About Intercultural Communication: For universities, Intercultural Communication is crucial as it fosters an inclusive and diverse learning environment. It allows students and staff to navigate through cultural differences, enhancing collaboration and global engagement. Developing intercultural competence not only enriches the academic experience but also prepares individuals to work and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. This capability is essential for fostering mutual respect, reducing misunderstandings, and promoting a vibrant, globally-aware community within the university.

HEI Organizer: Powiślanki University
Erasmus Code: PL KWIDZYN01
BIP program ID:
Virtual part: December 02, 2024
Physical part: December 9-13, 2024
In total: 6 days (5+1)
Participants: HEI undergraduate and graduate students and academic staff

Official working language: English
Number of participants: 25
Thematic areas: Effective Communication in the Intercultural Environment
Benefits of intercultural competences are:
− Improved communication and collaboration with people from diverse backgrounds.
− Greater adaptability and ability to navigate new environments and challenges.
− Enhanced creativity and problem-solving through exposure to diverse perspectives.
− Increased employability and professional effectiveness in multicultural or international contexts.
− Promotion of understanding, inclusion, and reduction of prejudice in society.

Partnership HEI will make suggestions to primary topics based on the Based on the proposals received
from guest speakers/incoming lecturers.

New Blended Intensive Program (BIP) is introduced by new Erasmus programme 2021-2027 as one of
the short international mobility for students and academic staff. BIP combines short term physical
mobility with virtual component, by that make it more flexible, and more accessible to everyone.
There is no tuition fee for attending BIP at PSW.
But each participant covers own costs of transportation, accommodation and stay for physical part in

Each participant can get the Erasmus+ mobility grant at the home institutions. (More information how to apply for grant ask your home Erasmus coordinators or IRO offices.)

Sending HEI – Responsible for the selection and nomination of participants, as well as the allocation of
Erasmus+ grant financial support to their KA131 HEI participants.
Host HEI – Responsible for administration of participants’ arrival, host them, and take care about BIP program at PSW.

Are you looking for an exciting and innovative way to further your education while working within an international context?
This Blended Intensive Programe (BIP) is designed to provide you with a unique and cutting-edge learning experience abroad. You will have the opportunity to work with peers from all around the
world on a real-life challenge in one of the most internationalized university’s in Poland. It focuses on key aspects of intercultural communication, promoting culturally aware and inclusive practices in both academic and professional environments. You’ll explore how to navigate diverse communication styles, cultural norms, and social expectations within a globalized context.
During BIP Week, you’ll collaborate with peers and staff from different cultural backgrounds, enhancing your ability to communicate and work effectively across cultures in fields like Health Care, Business, and Administration. The goal is to develop intercultural competence, preparing you to manage cross-cultural interactions and succeed in both academic and professional settings in a more interconnected world.

Application are open to interested undergraduate, graduate students and academic staff of various fields. We seek to gather participants from different perspectives and points of view in order to create more relevant final outcomes.

For administrative questions, please contact Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator at international@powislanska.edu.pl
For program/teaching questions contact International Office Officer at assist.international@powislanska.edu.pl

For participation at BIP student need to be nominated by home HEI. That means each student need to apply at home university for BIP mobility.

Ask your home HEI coordinator how to apply for BIP mobility in order to participate.

Period of participation – virtual total hours to be added.
Physical part period of stay is 5 days at PSW, Gdańsk, Poland
For the students participation sending HEI are making Nominations.

Link for student Nominations – Submission by sending HEI coordinator
Deadline for nominations are 30th November, 2024.

Only accepted participants need to make final Arrival registration according the instructions got from feedback mail with Acceptance letter from PSW.
Deadline for registration is 30th November, 2024.

For administrative questions please contact Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator at
For program questions contact International Office Officer at

Participants will get inside about the important aspects in SMART education environment that will share at their HEIs. This will help them to encourage change and their visions about learning area, that is gradually influenced by technological advances and facilitate their adaptation to the global education reform. Help them to with easier access to use of technology in the field of education and to give support to the studies carried out day by day.

Social competence and skills:
– Collaborate with different individuals in a diverse and international context
– Solve specific fragments of a given real-life challenge
– Apply design thinking critically to an intended research
– openness to innovations in professional practice, going beyond the rigid framework – looking for new solutions
– work and communication in a team,
– Interdisciplinary exchange of information and examples of good practice between countries.

More detailed outcomes after we got the detailed lectures schedule and topics.

I part Virtual programe – in a week before December 9. – schedule additionally
Presentation of the theoretical basis – lectures
Analysis of the situations at different countries involved in the project (data collection, analysis,
identification of needs, possibilities of service delivery in relation to needs, planning of activities and
their evaluation, interventions and evaluation/ theoretical classes).

December 8, 2024
Arrival to Poland!
December 9, 2024 Day #1 OPENING and INTRUDUCTION
Get to know all participants and the programme of the week.
Immerse in a new cultural environment: Kick off with a warm welcome, get to know your fellow participants, and dive into the basics of Polish culture. Set the stage for collaboration by introducing yourself and connecting with your global team.
December 10, 2024 Day #2
Global Communication: Explore intercultural communication challenges and brainstorm solutions with your team.
Enjoy the Polish traditions – Christmas Market walk around
December 11, 2024 Day #3
Healthcare Focus: Tackle cultural sensitivity in healthcare, followed by an international dinner for cross-cultural exchange.
December 12, 2024 Day #4
Intercultural competence: Why is it important and when does it come handy? Group activity and final assessment.
December 13, 2024 Day #5
Presentation your final outcomes, evaluation and get to network with various guests while they
appreciate all the hard work and endurance toiled.

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