Prof. Gabriela Belova
Phone: +35973886617
Address: Georgi Izmirliev-Mekdoncheto Sq. 2700 Blagoevgrad
The Faculty of Law was founded in 1991. In accordance with the contemporary requirements of Higher Education. In 1999, the new Faculty of Law and History amalgamated the existing Faculty of Law, Faculty of History, the Department of Psychology, and the Department of Sociology.
The Faculty of Law and History at SWU has had many years of rich history, which have made it an authoritative educational and research center. It has celebrated its 20th anniversary since its foundation, holding a conference under the auspices of the Minister of European Union Funds Tomislav Donchev.
The necessary preconditions have been created for implementing the requirements set by the University Erasmus+ charter, the Lisbon Contention and the Bologna Declaration for building a new European areas of higher education. There are good results in conformity with the curricula of the leading European Universities, implementation of the ECTS, issuance of Europass Diploma Supplement as well as expanding academic mobility. The philosophy of education at the Faculty of Law and History reflects the ambitions towards organizing a modern educational process. A crucial factor for the prosperity of the faculty in the 21st century as well as for the scientific and professional developments of the academic staff was the creation of an integrated faculty information infrastructure together with securing complete electronic services for students via the Internet. It provides direct access to plenty of valuable information of the faculty life.
The Faculty of Law and History is constantly expanding its international activities under the motto “Open to the World”. Intensive and effective cooperation is being enhanced not only within the framework of the European Union, but also beyond the scope of EU. The Faculty of Law and History is an active participant in the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission and takes part in many research projects in the frameworks of the Criminal Justice Programme of the EU, INTERREG and COST.
I. History and archaeology
II. Political Sciences
III. Public Communications and Information Sciences
IV. Administration and Management
V. National Security
I. History and archaeology
II. Political Sciences
III. Public Communications and Information Sciences
IV. Administration and Management
V. National Security
VI. Law
I. History and Archeology
II. Public Communications and Information Sciences
III. Law
For more information about our Faculty of Law and History, please, follow the link: